So you’re working two jobs at a time, you don’t have savings, you have an enormous amount of student loans, you can’t pay rent, and you can’t even afford to go out on dates and get laid. One day you heard about some naked cam girls in the internet earning over $60,000 per year. And now you’re thinking if you gotta break your back for some money, might as well cum while doing it.
So what exactly is a cam girl?
So before you go on spending your imaginary cam girl earnings on imaginary shoes and things, you should know first what exactly does a cam girl do.
Although not one cam girl is the same, they all got different personalities, skills, and niche; but basically, they go online, stream themselves live in front of the camera and fulfill their audience’s sexual fantasies.
Again, not one cam girl is the same. If you go to a cam site, you’ll see all sorts of girls — POC & Whites, Young & Old — who do all sorts of things — Vanilla, BDSM, Roleplay, etc. If you want to be a cam girl, you can check out what types of shows are there so you can plan ahead on what you want to do.
Give us the number already!
Okay, fine!
But do note that camming is not exactly an employee-employer type of job but a business. Your product? Your self. If you really think about it, it’s not really any different from showbusiness. It just demands more intimacy and vulnerability. In short, in webcamming, you’re the boss!
So, just like in any type of business, there is really no fixed number of income. The earning has a really wide range, it can go from $400 a month to $1Million a year! I may sound crazy but it’s true!
Yes, those who earn $1Million per year is rare, but an average earning of $7,000 is not bad, right?
How do I earn?
So cam girls usually get their earnings from tips. Different cam sites have their own term for this, but basically, customers will buy some type of currency, depending on what site they’re on. Then they’ll spend these currencies to give tips to a live show. Sometimes, customers also buy private shows or sessions from cam girls.
These currencies don’t go 100% to the girls and only a percentage of them. Sucks I know, but the websites hosting the camgirls need to earn some money too, otherwise, they won’t be able to support as many camgirls!

So how do I earn THAT much?
How much a cam girl earns depends on a lot of factors, but mostly, just like any business, on hard work and luck.
Earning $7000 per month is not that easy. There will also be a lot of investing involved — buying a good webcam, audio equipment, laptop, and fast internet for streaming. You also have to invest a good chunk of your time. Usually, full-time cam girls spend 5 to 8 hours of streaming per day. I even know some cam girls who stream for as long as 16 hours a day.
16 Hours? That’s extreme!
Well, again, you’re the boss so everything you do will be entirely your decision. Maybe you can start with 16 hours a day if you’re only starting out and want to build a following in a short time and if you are still experimenting and want to test your best hours. OR you can start slow, like 1 or 2 hours per day. You know, testing the waters, seeing what’s out there without having to quit your day job. It’s all up to YOU!
Besides, cam girls often don’t rely on camming. Most of them also sell videos and photos on other platforms, or in the cam site, they’re in if they have that option.
Do I go for it?
Sure! If you think nudity and sexual acts are something that you’ll be comfortable in, I don’t see why not!
Don’t overthink about the seeming difficulty of the job and just try it out! Besides, you’ve worked hard all your life. What’s a little more work for the chance to have financial freedom, right? You might even be surprised at how much you enjoy being fapped at and looked at.