We’ve seen this happening very often lately. Some cam girls just don’t have the regular schedule you’d hope for. And that’s for various reasons, of course, but it’s also one of the main advantages of being a cam girl. You work when you want, for how long you want.
So you’ve missed the show of your favorite cam girl and you’re pissed. You’re pissed because you can only imagine how great it was and also because you know she only broadcasts once per week, or maybe twice if you’re lucky.
Well, as it turns out, you don’t need to worry too much. You can easily avoid this from ever happening again in the future.
There are a lot of things you could do.
Obviously, the first thing would be to subscribe / become a fan of that cam girl. This makes sure you will be notified via email whenever she updates her status. You’ll also get an email once she goes online and starts the show.
Another thing you could do is to follow her social media accounts. Believe it or not, most cam girls have either a twitter or an instagram account. In some cases, they have both.
If this still doesn’t work for you because you don’t want anyone else to find out you’re into camgirls (wife, girlfriend etc), don’t panic.
There’s still a thing you could do and that’s recorded cam shows.
You see, a lot of our models will record a show that you could later buy at an affordable price.
There are also sites like filtercams out there whose users record and then upload models’ live show that you can later watch for free.
Of course, this experience is far from the real thing, but it makes waiting for her next show a little bit easier to manage.w
Missed My Favorite Cam Girl Show – What To Do Next?
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